The body is made up of very small cells , normal cells in the body grow and die in a controlled way. Sometimes cells keep dividing and growing without normal controls , causing an abnormal growth called tumor.
If the tumor doesn’t invade nearby tissues and body parts , it is called a benign tumor, or non-cancerous growth benign tumor are rarely life threatening.
If the tumor invades and destroys nearby cells, it is called a malignant tumor or cancer. cancer may threaten a person’s life. Cancerous cells may also spread to different part of the body through blood vessels and lymph channels.
Lymph is a nearly clear fluid produced by the body that drains waste from cells. It travels through special vessels and bean-shaped structures called lymph nodes.
Cancer treatments are used to kill or control abnormally growing, cancerous cells. Cancer in the body are given names depending on where the cancer originates.
Cancer that’s begins in the lungs will always be called a lung cancer, even if it spread to another place such as liver, bones or brain. Although doctors can locate where a cancer begins, the cause of a cancer in a patient cannot usually be identified .
Cells contain hereditary or genetics materials called chromosome. This genetic material controls the growth of the cells. Cancer always arises from changes that occur in these genetic materials. When the genetic materials in a cells becomes abnormal, it can lose its ability to control its growth. These sudden changes in genetic material can occur for a variety of reasons. This tendency may be inherited from parents. Changes in genetic material may also occur because of exposure to infections, drugs, tobacco, chemicals, or other factors.